Blog posts by Mike Thompson

Helping users find data faster with taxonomies

We’ve added taxonomies to Cantabular, enabling search filtering functionality for ready-made tables and helping users find the data they need faster.

Automating publication of the 2021 Northern Ireland Census

The Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) has launched a new product, a “Flexible Table Builder”, allowing users to create their own outputs from the 2021 Northern Ireland Census, powered by our software Cantabular.

Webinar: Publishing census data twice as fast with the ONS

On 27th April, we hosted a webinar to present our recent work with the ONS helping them to automate the publication and aspects of the privacy protection for the 2021 England and Wales census.

Publishing census data twice as fast with the ONS

Earlier this week, ONS released their Create a custom dataset product for census 2021, powered by our software Cantabular, helping the ONS release billions of statistics far more quickly than ever before.

Internationalisation and right-to-left language support in Cantabular

A couple of years ago, we added the capability to localise data and user interfaces in Cantabular for different languages.

While our core data service handles data only in a single language, our metadata service supplements this by allowing labels and other reference metadata to be loaded in multiple languages so that all metadata for populations, variables and categories can be translated.

Flexible publication of metadata with GraphQL

Last year we added a new capability to Cantabular to allow dissemination of structured metadata alongside real-time creation of safe, cross-tabulations from large datasets that the rest of Cantabular focuses on.

Republishing the historic 1911 Irish census as an interactive dataset

Today we are releasing a new public website that makes the returns from the 1911 Irish census available as a preliminary statistical release to be queried by anyone.

All kinds of cross-tabulations and analysis of this data that were previously impossible are now easily accessible as open data through our user interface and API.

Irish Census 1911: Data collection and processing methodology

This document describes the scope, methods, assumptions and limitations of the work that The Sensible Code Company and collaborators have collectively completed on historical Ireland census data, collected from The National Archives of Ireland’s website, in order to publish a publicly available interactive dataset at

Automating disclosure checks with our Disclosure Rules Language

Last week we released a new version of Cantabular with a big new feature: a disclosure rules language.

The disclosure rules language, or DRL, is a tool to help statisticians automate decisions about table publication which they might previously have made using manual analysis techniques.