Safe researcher access

Automate output checks for researchers

Help your users produce safe outputs fast, with minimal intervention


Eliminate time-consuming manual checks for common outputs

Immediate feedback for researchers

Use our Disclosure Rules Language to automate disclosure checks and give researchers immediate feedback on the safety of their outputs.

Limit access to confidential microdata

Cantabular works with—but prevents direct access to—your confidential microdata, limiting its exposure to external researchers.

Cantabular works with many types of data

Use Cantabular to process survey data, magnitude data, synthetic data and differentially-private data


Disclosure Rules Language for automated checks

We invented our own disclosure rules language (DRL) to allow you to write automated disclosure checks that implement your rules for your data.

Our DRL lets you implement rules to check tables for disclosure issues such as dominance, attribute disclosure or identity disclosure and suppress whole tables or individual cells. It can also be used to check and block overly disclosive queries before they are made.

Algorithms for noise injection

We provide algorithms based around the cell-key method that allow you to apply deterministic perturbation or rounding to frequency table outputs.

Pioneered by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, this method has been endorsed by Eurostat and is used by the ONS for publishing results from the 2021 England and Wales census.

Custom statistical disclosure controls

We understand that privacy protection is complicated and multi-faceted. Our experienced software team can work with you to implement additional methods for your requirements, adding functionality to Cantabular or integrating with other tools in use within your organisation.

Schedule a demo

Use Cantabular on your next project and publish mandatory data automatically, securely and with full control. Contact us to arrange a convenient date.