Public Data Dissemination

Publish more data, faster.

Automate data publication and give your users the power to build exactly the output they need.

Use Cases

Do away with manual publication processes

Real-time creation of survey cross-tabulations

Our software allows users to create cross-tabulations on demand, built directly from microdata, with automated disclosure checks

Host your data catalogue

Load your prebuilt datasets into Cantabular to provide a data catalogue, with integrated metadata, fast filtering and pivoting.

Bring historical datasets to life

Use Cantabular to give a new lease of life to historical data like our project with the 1911 Ireland census.


Search, filter and pivot

Help your users build their own table and use our simple, accessible user interface to customise the data however they want.

Users can quickly find the table or variable they need, filter out any data they don’t want and use our pivoting tools to create exactly the shape of output they want before downloading to CSV or Excel.

Automatically-generated data downloads

Our multilingual CSV and XLSX downloads are created on-demand with exactly the data and metadata that a user needs. Excel downloads can be customised to show your own metadata on a templatable cover sheet.

All data downloads are generated on-the-fly and start immediately: no waiting around in a queue for a download to start.

Integrated mapping

Add map configuration to unlock powerful map-based user interface features.

Help your users get data for areas they are interested in with map-based selection and explore geographic trends with map-based visualisation functionality.

Application programming interface

Cantabular includes a powerful, flexible GraphQL API that allows multi-lingual statistical outputs with integrated metadata to be requested from within other software applications and scripts.

The API can be made available to your users and can be used to power custom applications or interactive visualisations.

Schedule a demo

Use Cantabular on your next project and publish mandatory data automatically, securely and with full control. Contact us to arrange a convenient date.