Picture: Photo by Massimo Virgilio on Unsplash

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ICES conference: Using Cantabular to explore and visualise company data

We recently attended the International Conference on Establishment Statistics. We had an interesting time hearing about some of the challenges statistical organisations, particularly in the US, have with protecting and disseminating establishment data and the move to differentially private methodologies.

We participated in one of the software demonstration sessions and I gave a demo of how our software Cantabular could be used to publish a flexible user interface and API on top of establishment data.

To power our example, we used some open data from Companies House in the UK, but it mirrors how you might achieve a flexible user interface on top of differentially private synthetic data.

We’ve put together two videos covering more-or-less the same material we showed to the attendees.

Using our UI and API to explore and visualise data

The first shows how our user interface and APIs can be used for exploration and visualising of the data:

If you’re interested in seeing our user interface in action, we have a live demo of it built on the 1911 Ireland census which you can read more about here.

Protecting data with automated disclosure checks

The second shows how our interactive query tool can be given an additional layer of protection by automatically detecting disclosure risks in tabular outputs using our disclosure rules language:

We’ve blogged before about what our disclosure rules language offers and in more technical detail about how it all works.

If establishment data is your thing and you’d like to talk to us about how we might be able to help you protect and publish data, feel free to get in touch.