Picture: Aine introducing the event on Zoom

Picture: Aine introducing the event on Zoom

1 minute read



1911 Irish Census and Technology: bringing the past, present and future together

On 29th April, 2021 we held a virtual event: 1911 Irish census and technology: bringing past, present and future together. 165 historians, statisticians and archivists from around the world joined us on Zoom to see and hear about our work turning the historic 1911 Irish census records from the National Archives of Ireland into a rich real-time dataset.

Watch the full event video

The video of the event is shown below. You can skip to particular sections of the event using the chapter indicators in the video timeline or watch the video on YouTube.

Download speaker presentations

The slides used on the day by our presenters are shown below. You can also download the presentation to read at your leisure.


We like to thank everyone who attended and all those who gave us valuable feedback in the post-event survey. We’d also like to thank The National Archives of Ireland, Central Statistics Office Ireland and OpenStreetMap Ireland for their support in helping make our event successful.

Are we making the dataset available soon?

Watch this space! We’ll shortly make an announcement on the steps we’re hoping to take to make the dataset openly available.